PCB Design and Etching Workshop Details

Individual e-certificates will be provided for all the participants

The materials required for the workshop will be provided in a takeaway kit which includes

  1. Copper Clad Board
  2. OHP printed Stickers
  3. Sand papers
  4. Cello Tape

Introduction to PCB Designing

  1. Basic Terminologies
  2. Components on a PCB
  3. Schematics Fundamentals
  4. Layout Concepts
  5. Rules to be followed while designing

A Quick 5min Recap

Getting Started with Diptrace Tool (Hands-On) Getting familiar with Diptrace environment.

  1. Creating a schematic and Layout File.
  2. Exploring various tools and features in Diptrace.

Hands-On Schematic and Layout Design using Diptrace Tool (Hands-On)

  1. Digitize a circuit in the freeware version of Diptrace Software Tool.
  2. Design and convert the schematic into layout files.

Let’s get it Manufactured! (Hands-On)

  1. Industry standard Requirements.
  2. Generation of Gerber files using Diptrace.
  3. Placing the Order


PCB Manufacturing Process

  1. PCB Milling
  2. PCB Etching
  3. Inspection and Layer Alignment
  4. Drilling
  5. Assembly

Etching Process and Chemistry behind it

  1. Materials and Apparatus Required.
  2. Process Details.
  3. Chemistry involved in Etching.

Etch it out! (Hands-On)

  1. Tips and Tricks in Etching.
  2. Preparing the copper clad board
  3. Hands-On PCB Etching.